The espresso machine adopts a lightweightconstruction, making it easier to handle and maintain compared to stainlesssteel models. It is rust-resistant and offers insulation properties. Equippedwith digital temperature control (PID), this espresso machine ensures precisedelivery of the correct temperature for optimal espresso extraction, providingyou with a perfect cup of coffee. With a generous 2.8L tank and a removabletray for accommodating larger cups, this espresso machine allows you to createmultiple espresso drinks effortlessly. Its ergonomic design ensures seamlessbrewing. This espresso machine features a built-in grinder and a power ratingof 1450W, enabling you to transform coffee into espresso within minutes. Thecappuccino machine offers 30 grind settings for customization, with simplebutton controls for operation. Whether you desire a rich espresso, a creamycappuccino, or a frothy latte, this Espresso Machine with grinder and milkfrother wand caters to all your coffee preferences. Ideal for baristas seekingversatility and quality.
Country of Origin: China
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